Hands-On Math Centers | Match-Up Math Games

Looking for a way to jazz up your math time? Here you will find hands-on and engaging math games that can be used for math centers, individual student practice, and even for homeschooling math time!

What Are Match-Up Math Games?

As a teacher and mom, it drives me crazy to just give a bunch of worksheets to students as a way for them to practice their math facts and concepts.

I wanted a hands-on, fun way for kids to learn and practice adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.

So I created Match-Up Math Games!

Match-Up Math Games allows kids to build fact fluency in an engaging way.

These math game boards can be used for individual student practice AND for partner games. Here’s a video example of how they work:

Who Can Use These Math Centers?

School teachers and homeschooling parents can use these as a tool to help kids master their math facts.Β 

Each individual set has the following:

  • 5 Themed Boards for Hands-On Math Practice
  • Game Pieces to Match Each Board
  • Game Instructions
  • Answer Keys & Teacher Set-Up Directions

You can use these fun math centers for more than just centers! They also work great for:

  • Intervention Practice
  • Morning Work
  • Lesson Warm-Ups
  • Review Practice (Whole Class & Small Group)
  • Sub Work
  • Individual Student Practice
  • Partner Work

Feel free to be flexible and creative with using these math games in your classroom or homeschool environment. They are easy to implement and will make math practice fun for your kids!

Can These Math Games Be Used With My Math Assessments?

Absolutely! These hands-on math centers are designed to work as companions to your math curriculum and assessments.

In fact, these math games were created to help students achieve mastery of math facts and concepts!

The Bundled Set offers a BONUS Progress Monitoring that can be customized by YOU to make sure your students are progressing through their math boards.

So not only are your kids getting fun hands-on math centers to use, but you are also getting an easy way to keep track of their progress.

You can also STILL use math worksheets as companions to these math games. In fact, I allow my students to use their whiteboards and dry erase markers with these games.

Then I follow up with math exit tickets or a quick whole class assessment to gauge their growth with their math facts.

To get more details on each math game board set, click any topic below.

Save BIG with BUNDLES!

Do you like spending extra money? Nah, I didn’t think so!

To save money on your match-up math games, grab the bundled sets and save up to 25% off.

See more about ALL the math games plus bundles HERE!

The Butterfly Teacher